Weekly Net Information

We would like to set a time to get in contact over the Mesh each week analagous to a "Net" in Amateur Radio. This will tell us more about how the Mesh handles traffic and give people a better oppurtunity to test equipment, and so on.

Day : Thursdays
Time: 7pm MDT
Channel: 0 Long-Fast (Primary)

For detailed instructions on channel configurations see The Mestastic Docs.
Don't hesitate to ask for assistance on Mattermost with device setup.

We would also like to offer an MQTT mode for the Weekly Net, for those who are out of reach of others on the mesh.
For MQTT use these settings:

  • Server: mqtt.meshtastic.org
  • User: meshdev
  • Pass: large4cats
  • Topic: msh/US/CO
Weekly Net Check-Ins

We will update the number of check-ins after each Net.